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The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) was re-established in 1992. Now Party has organisations in some former Soviet republics, but the majority of its members lives in the Russian Federation.

From 1992, the Party almost without financing has conducted some successful political campaigns. In 1992 it co-ordinated the campaign in defence of the Kurile Islands and against the transfer of that archipelago to Japan. Thanks to the activity of the All-Russian Committee for Defence of Kuriles (created by the CPSU), the visit of B.Eltsin to Japan in 1992 was cancelled.

In autumn of 1993, the CPSU was the initiator of boycott against the referendum for the new Constitution of Russia. This boycott was successful. According to some American experts and special commission of the Presidential Administration of Russia, only 40-45 per cent of all the electorate took participation in the polls (its official results were falsified). The acting Russian Constitution is, therefore, illegitimate.

In autumn of 1993, the CPSU co-ordinated the campaigns in defence of the Mausoleum of V.I.Lenin, creating for this purposes the organisation which called the Movement in Defence of Russian History. This campaign was also successful.

Now the CPSU concentrates its attention on social problems such as the timely payment of wages and pensions, inflation, unemployment etc. The Party actively works in the working-class movement. In 1993 on initiative of the CPSU were created the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) and Inter-Regional Strike Committee. Since 1994, these organisations were co-ordinating such social protests as All-Russian Days of Protest against the Decline in Living Standards, in which took participation millions of the Russians.

Now, under conditions of the open capitulation of Russian authorities before the West, one of the main tasks of the Party is also a defence of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, especially Kurile islands. Last year the All-Russian Committee for Defence of Kuriles (under the chairmanship of the CPSU First Secretary) renewed its work. In this field the Party strives for the creation of the broadest political alliance.

The CPSU aims to express interests not only the working class as a whole, but in the first place the interests of the defence or so-called military-industrial complex and other high-tech industries as a most progressive part of our industry. The Party and MSJ have business-like relations with defence trade unions, some industrial managers and the League for Assistance of Defence Enterprises as a whole.

Our organisations also have good relations with governors of some regions of Russia and managers of some other industries besides defence industry.

The CPSU has not participated in parliamentary elections of 1993-1999, but is planning to take part in coming elections. Nevertheless, the Party has good relations with some deputies of the present-day State Duma.

The CPSU considers that in the interests of economic stabilisation in Russia it's necessary to take drastic measures for the state regulation of economy, such as nationalization of banks, foreign trade monopoly, price regulation, state order for the most part of production and so on. The Party stands for social property on the main means of productions.

The central organ of the Party is Narodnaya Gazeta" (People's Paper). This paper was founded in 1990 and renewed in 1997 with circulation of 5 thousand copies.

The first secretary of the CPSU is Sergey Skvortsov, 45 years, now editor-in-chief of People's Paper.